Friday, July 2, 2010

How many ways can you fold?

Roll Fold
A piece of paper folded that has two or more parallel folds that fold in on each other. It may fold in from the left or right. To allow proper nesting of panels that fold in, inside panels are usually incrementally smaller than outer panels with the inside end panel being the smallest.

Concertina Fold
Typically simple zig-zag folds with 6-panels and two parallel folds that go in opposite directions. Each panel of the concertina fold is about the same size.

Closed Gate Fold
There are three parallel folds. The left and right edges of the paper fold in towards the middle, without overlapping, and then the document folds again at the centre fold. The outer panels are usually 2mm to 4mm smaller than the inner panels to allow for proper folding and nesting. This might be used in the middle of a magazine for a fold-out centre spread.
Open Gate Fold
There are two parallel folds. The left and right edges of the paper fold and meet in the middle, without overlapping, along a centre fold. The outer panels are usually 2 mm to 4 mm smaller than the inner panels to allow for proper folding and nesting.
Map Fold
The piece of paper is firstly folded in half along the short edge. This folded sheet is then concertina folded and finally folded in half. The map is then small enough to be carried easily and still be available for use without having to unfold them entirely.

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