Thursday, May 20, 2010

to scale from A4 to A3 in Adobe InDesign

I am working on a poster and a common thing client does is changing their mind about the size of the poster - first they would say "I just want an A4" then a few days later they want A3 and usually I would scale the elements up manually by hold on Shift and drag because I couldn't be bother to work out what percentage I should type in to ask InDesign to scale up for me. But today I took the time to work it out by trial and error method. 

And the magic number is: 141.5%


  1. You are awesome!, thanks so much :)

  2. I find it to be 147% exactly. I'm using CS6.

  3. 141.5% for me. CS6

  4. Thank you! You saved me a lot of work! :)

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